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How to brief a removal company

How to brief a removal company

Once you’ve taken the leap to move home or office, you’ll want to make sure that you’ve got the best team onside to help you through the process. And how do you get the best out of any team? Communication! This goes for working with your removal company too. In order to make your move go as smoothly as possible, the more information your removal company has, the better. 

In order for your removals company to plan your move in advance and take into consideration any particular requirements you may have, your brief should be as detailed as possible. Here are some useful things to include: 

  1. Full details of the items you’d like to move. You should have a survey fulfilled before you move, which will detail all the items to calculate volume of the items and how many vans you’ll need, and how many items you have. This will also help to calculate how many people will needed to move you within your timeframe 
  2. Go through all the access options. Did your sofa come in through the front door or did you have to remove a window? Are there any stairs or awkward turns? Please let your removal company know. It will be far less stressful for everyone. 
  3. Let them know where and when to park. Nobody wants to receive a parking fine, so please inform your removals company of any restrictions that may be in place, as they are unlikely to be aware of the rules in every area. 
  4. Clearly label fragile items. If you use the right removal company, they will treat all of your belongings with care and respect, but it’s still important to be clear on which boxes contain fragile items, so they know which boxes need to have a little extra care, and need to avoid being put at the bottom.
  5. Instructions for the new property. Once again, it’s best to detail any parking restrictions or access issues that you may be aware of, and then the unpacking can begin. But where would you like your boxes? Are they to go into specific rooms and have you labelled them as such? Or would you like them in one central room for you to work out? If they are to go into specific rooms, the floorplan from the estate agent would be really handy, so that there is complete clarity. 

Is there anything else you would add for your perfect moving situation?

Make sure you add it to your brief and talk it over with your removals company.  Moving home or office are known for being stressful events, but this is a part of the move that you can have some control and input into. A good removals company would always rather you were clear about your needs from the start. 

If you would like to talk about your requirements for moving your property, please get in touch. We would love to help.  
