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How to move a dishwasher and washing machine

washing machine

What would we do without our dishwashers and washing machines?

As appliances go, they are probably the biggest time savers and the ones we’d miss the most if we couldn’t use them, so while it would be good to prepare them to be moved in advance, it’s not likely to happen. To keep practical and make your moving day run as smoothly as possible, here are some tips on how to move your dishwasher and washing machine:

1) Remember they’re heavy

It might sound silly but this isn’t just about how you will physically lift and move them around your home – it’s something to bear in mind when you are preparing them to move so that you don’t damage your flooring by scratching your tiles or tearing your carpet. Simply placing towels or blankets around the appliances should do the trick and allow you to move them safely.

2) Remember the accessories

Most homes have that drawer – you know, the one filled with not only cables but all the instruction manuals that you’ve probably never read. If you can find them, it’s worth putting the relevant manual in the machine when it’s time for moving, so that you know exactly where it is, and should you need it, you’ll be able to refer to it when setting up in your new home. Hopefully this drawer also contains the washing machine’s shipping bolt, which will stop the tub from moving while it’s in transit.

3) Consider booking a plumber

Not every removal company will help to disconnect your appliances, and if they run into any problems, chances are they will stop before they begin to cause any damage. Be sure to speak to your removal company about what they do or don’t do when it comes to appliances so that you can factor in the time and expense in advance. It’s worth comparing this to how a plumber could help. Of course, there’s also the option of doing the work yourself, but disconnecting the taps is no easy job, so be sure to assess your access and how smoothly this would go before your big moving day.

4) Make everything safe and secure

Once you’ve disconnected the hose, place it somewhere that can be easily found, otherwise you’re not going to have fun when you get to the other end. Ensure that all the plugs and wires are secured to the appliance so they don’t come loose while they’re being transported. If you have any packing tape left, it’s a good, strong and reliable tape to use, and it will also be needed on the washing machine door and drawers to keep them closed so they don’t get damaged. To avoid damage further, it’s best to also wrap the appliances in at least a plastic bag and something like a towel, if you don’t have padding, to give it that extra bit of protection.

5) Transport your appliances upright

Of course, if you are using a removals company to move home, they will know to do this, but if you’re taking on the challenge to move yourself, always remember to keep your appliances upright if you want them to be in full working order when you get them installed in their new location.

5) Give them a health check

Your appliances may experience some disruption in the move, so it’s worth allowing some time around a week after they have been installed to ensure that no defects or leaks have been created.

If you’d like to talk through your move and how it could be made easier, please do get in touch
