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Safely pack office equipment

people safely packing office equipment

Once you’ve made the decision to move offices, found a place and informed all your staff that you’ll be heading to pastures new, the next biggest thing you need to do is to make sure that everything is packed up safely.

But where do you start?

1. Choose the right containers

Just any old cardboard box won’t cut it. Strength is what you need wen transporting computers and other key office equipment, so be sure to either use strong cardboard boxes or plastic containers which can both take and support the weight on the move. 

2. Wrap your fragile items 

Bubblewrap is the best product to cushion fragile items. It’s best to use a couple of layers and secure everything with tape before moving. Make sure that you buffer all of your electronics so that they don’t scratch anything. Also, if you are tempted to buy a newspaper to help with packing, it’s best to get packing paper instead so that the print doesn’t transfer on to your items. 

3. Label everything 

Ensure that you have labelled every box with what they contain and where they need to go, so that you can easily unpack them either end. An alternative to this is to have a system which provides a colour code or number/letter cross-reference chart, but make sure that someone has everything under control, the key is understandable and easy to tick off the other end.

4. Keep your sensitive documents handy

It’s best to keep anything that you’ll need / anything that you desperately don’t want to lose to hand, in a folder, with you, so that you know where it is and it’s under your care. 

5. Create a comprehensive inventory

No matter whether you choose to code your boxes or label them, it’s still helpful to keep a comprehensive inventory, so that you know what is where and which area/room it is intended for. While you may know where Karen from finance sits in your current organisation, your removal company will need a bit more guidance as to where her new location and desk-mates will be. 

6. Disassemble your larger equipment

From desks, to modular furniture and even shelves, it’s best to disassemble as much as you can, including removing drawers and any detachable parts. If there are any small items which accompany the furniture, like screws and bolts, tape them to the corresponding furniture item, so they are easier to put back together after. 

7. Keep cables and wires protected 

When you’re putting your new office together, you don’t want to be rooting around trying to find the corresponding cables. Even worse than that is if they get damaged in transit, so ensure that they are packaged in labelled bags and attached to the equipment they belong to. 

Do you need a hand?

Here at Fast Forward Removals, we don’t just help you with moving your property – we can help you with every stage of packing, from providing the boxes and materials and even putting items in boxes. If you would like to get more information on our services, please get in touch. 
